Marching Information

The theme of the 2023 Marching Show will be announced on May 26th at our annual awards banquet. We plan to have a couple music rehearsals to get the show in everyone’s hands, to get all students familiar with the music, and to give all students a chance to get to know each other. All of the events are also available at our calendar

Pre-Camp Rehearsals will be 6:00-8:00 PM:

Firework Booth Rehearsal We're planning to feed students, and hang playing pep tunes at our firework booth on July 1st, from 5-8PM

Band Camp will be on August 7-12, the daily schedule is as follows:

7:00AM-11:00AM Marching Practice on the field.

11:00AM-12:30PM Lunch Break

12:30PM-3:30PM Music Rehearsal

Contact Mr. Bennett with any questions, concerns

Drum Clinics: We will have a couple extra clinics for those interested in the drum line. 6:00-8:00PM