The Bakersfield High School Instrumental Music program has history. Over 125 years of history! Beginning as Kern County High School in 1893 and changing its name to Bakersfield High School in 1953, there have been many students in Kern County touched by our program. There aren't that many high school music programs in the State of California with that kind of tradition.
KCHS and BHS are proud of the fact that thousands of students over the years have continued on to college and beyond with their musical endeavors. We have professional educator musicians working at elementary, junior and senior high schools, community colleges, state colleges and universities all over the country. Equally impressive, there professional performance musicians working for various record labels, community musical organizations, national touring companies, symphony orchestras and on the road with major musical stars. All of these outstanding people have been influenced by their high school music director and others... just as you have!
The following is a list of directors and their years of service to our school. We thank them for serving the musical needs of our students and carrying on our musical heritage. If you know of others and their time of service, please email the webmaster with your information. We'd love to hear from you!